Explore TARGPatrol

TARGPatrol revolutionizes task management for your organization. Create tasks that outline specific steps, from area patrols to equipment readings, inspections, or capturing completed cleaning activities. Tailor it to your industry's needs.

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Dashboard of TARGControl web application designed for organizing and monitoring patrol tours

TARGPatrol: Simplifying Task Management

The app streamlines task management by enabling you to schedule specific activities like patrols, equipment checks, and inspections, and track issues through customizable checklists tailored to your industry.


Managers utilize both the web version and mobile app for efficient employee management, effortlessly generating tasks tailored to diverse operational needs. They define tasks aligned with roles and responsibilities.

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Issues feature empowers reporting of incidents across various settings. Issues are systematically documented, enabling managers to allocate resolutions and ensure comprehensive tracking.

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Leverage the detailed insights provided by inspection checklist analytics to gain a deeper understanding of both the completion rates and the overall effectiveness of your inspections. This analytical approach helps you evaluate how thoroughly areas are inspected and identify potential improvements in your inspection processes.

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Three Types of Schedules: Optimize Task Management

Explore a schedule to efficiently track and view employee tasks.
Monitor employee tasks and assess their workload effectively.
Analyze the status and advancement of tasks efficiently.
Explore a schedule to efficiently track and view employee tasks.

Comprehensive Analytics Overview

The reporting feature converts data into actionable insights, enabling you to make well-informed decisions. From standard checklists to incident logs, our intuitive dashboard offers a comprehensive overview of your operations.


TARGPatrol delivers detailed reports featuring graphs, visual task progress tracking, and diagrams to enhance analytics.


Gain access to detailed reports on completed tasks, providing a thorough insight into task execution.
Working today

Working Today

Gain instant visibility into today's activities with the "Working Today" section of the Dashboard. This feature provides a live snapshot of ongoing operations, tasks in progress, and employee engagement, helping you monitor productivity and manage daily workflows effectively.


This statistics provides a thorough analysis of performance trends, operational efficiencies, and other critical data points essential for strategic decision-making and enhancing operational oversight.


Stay on top of challenges as they arise with the "Issues" block of the Dashboard. This section allows you to quickly view and manage current problems, track resolution progress, and analyze issue trends to prevent future occurrences.
Working today

Pay Attention

Focus on what matters most with the "Pay Attention" block on the Dashboard. This section highlights urgent alerts and important notifications, helping you prioritize critical issues and respond effectively to ensure operational continuity and safety.

More Features: Enhanced Task Management Capabilities

Boost your task management by adding tasks to favorites, creating multi-step tasks, and using QR, NFC, and GPS for verification. Enhance team communication during tasks and incidents directly within the app. Enable employees to use shared mobile devices with PIN-based login, simplifying access without individual accounts. Explore these features to improve efficiency and streamline your operations.







Create unlimited users effortlessly. Simplify setup and provide access via PIN authentication for seamless user management.

Locations & Points

Create unlimited locations, upload floor plans, and add QR, NFC, and virtual points for efficient task management.
Locations & Points

Versatile Application for Multiple Industries

Our app is ideal for Retail, Construction, Industrial sectors, and more, offering adaptable features for any industry’s needs. Manage retail inventory, monitor construction sites, or oversee industrial operations efficiently with our streamlined tools.
Promote Accountability and Efficiency


Promote Accountability and Efficiency

Security Guard Services

Promote Accountability and Efficiency


Promote Accountability and Efficiency


Promote Accountability and Efficiency


Promote Accountability and Efficiency

Cleaning Services

Seamless Task Management Across Devices

Web app

Create tasks, track issues, and collaborate with ease, ensuring efficient task management from any browsers.

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Mobile app

Access all features via mobile app, offering the same functionality as web for efficient task management on-the-go.

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Join the TARGPatrol Revolution

Ready to experience the future of efficient task management and incident resolution? Try TARGPatrol today and transform the way you manage your tasks and incidents. Sign up now for a more streamlined and collaborative workflow!

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