Creating Points in TARGPatrol
In this guide, we will describe how to create points, what they are used for, and what types are available.

Creating a Point in TARGPatrol

To create a new point in TARGPatrol, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the web application (or the mobile app) and log in with your account. For more details on registration and authorization, refer to the previous lesson.

  2. Navigate to the menu Management -> "Points".

  3. Click on the "Add Point" button.

  4. Fill in the information on the first step, including the name, location, and other necessary data.

  5. In the second step, place the point on the graphic plan (if available for the location).

Creating a Point

What Are Points Used For?

Points in TARGPatrol represent key locations on the graphic plan of your site. They are used for various purposes:
  1. Marking Important Areas: Designate important areas on the map or graphic plan that require regular inspection or maintenance.

  2. Creating Tasks: Link tasks and inspections to specific points for more accurate task execution.

  3. Incident Tracking: Easily register and track incidents in specific locations.

  4. Improving Planning: Optimize patrol and inspection routes based on points to enhance employee efficiency.

Types of Points in TARGPatrol

In TARGPatrol, there are various types of points you can use depending on their purpose:
  • QR: A point based on a QR code generated in the system.

  • NFC: A point that can be read using a secure RFID tag.

  • GPS: A point that will be considered completed when in a specific location.

  • Virtual: A point that does not require verification. Typically used for placement on the map or graphic plan to organize a visual route in the app for the executor.

Editing and Deleting Points

To edit or delete a point, follow these steps:
  1. Go to the web application and log in with your account.

  2. Navigate to the menu Management -> "Points".

  3. Find the desired point and click on the pencil icon to edit or the trash can icon to delete.

  4. For bulk actions, use the bulk operations feature by selecting the necessary points using checkboxes.

Tips for Managing Points

  1. Regular Updates: Regularly check and update points on the map to match your organization’s current needs.

  2. Employee Training: Train employees on how to use points in TARGPatrol for more efficient task execution and reporting.

  3. Using Tags: Apply tags to organize points by categories to facilitate their search and management.

  4. Feedback: Get feedback from employees on the placement and purpose of points to continuously improve their use and effectiveness.

By following these recommendations, you can effectively create and manage points in TARGPatrol, leading to improved operational activities and increased productivity of your team.