Reports in TARGPatrol
Reports play a crucial role in managing operational activities and ensuring process transparency. In TARGPatrol, the reporting system allows users to efficiently track, analyze, and improve task execution. In this article, we will discuss how to create and manage reports in TARGPatrol, as well as the types of reports available.

Creating a Report in TARGPatrol

To create a new report in TARGPatrol, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the TARGPatrol web application with your account.

  2. Go to the Management menu -> "Reports".

  3. Choose the necessary report type (and the interval for which the report will be generated).

  4. Click the "Generate Report" button.

  5. If necessary, use filters to display only the data you are interested in.

  6. If you need to export the report to an Excel file, click the Export button.

Additionally, every generated report or exported file can be viewed in Notifications, so you can always return to previously generated reports or download the needed file.

Tips for Using Reports

  • Regular Analysis: Conduct regular analysis of reports to identify problem areas and make informed decisions.

  • Feedback: Get feedback from employees on the content of reports and use this information to improve processes.

  • Custom Reports: Use customizable reports to create specific types of analysis that meet the needs of your organization.

  • Integration with Other Systems: Export data from reports and integrate it with other management systems for more comprehensive analysis.

Reports in TARGPatrol are a powerful tool for managing and optimizing operational activities. By following the provided recommendations and utilizing the reporting system's capabilities, you can improve your team's productivity, enhance process transparency, and make more informed decisions based on data.