Completing Tasks

In this guide, we will explain how to execute tasks in TARGPatrol.
Task execution is done through the TARGPatrol mobile app. To perform a task, users need to log in to the mobile app. If an employee does not have an account, they can log in using a system-assigned user ID and PIN.

Task Execution via Mobile App

To execute tasks from a mobile device, follow these steps:
  1. Open the TARGPatrol App: Launch the app on your mobile device and log in to your account.

  2. Navigate to "Tasks" -> "My Tasks": Tap on the "Tasks" icon to see the list of all assigned tasks.

  3. Select a Task: Tap on the task you want to complete. This will open its detailed description.

  4. Review Task Details: Check the task description, steps, deadlines, and actions required for completion. Tap "Start".

  5. Perform the Steps: If the task consists of multiple steps, complete each step and action required at each step.

  6. Add Comments and Files: If necessary, add comments or attach files to clarify task details or provide evidence of completion.

  7. Complete the Task: Once all steps are completed, the task will be automatically marked as completed.

Task Execution via Mobile App

Tips for Task Execution

  • Attention to Detail: Carefully review the task description and all steps to ensure nothing is missed.

  • Meeting Deadlines: Pay attention to task deadlines and try to complete tasks on time.

  • Communication and Reporting: Use comments to clarify task details or report on its completion.

These simple steps and tips will help you effectively execute tasks in TARGPatrol, ensuring accuracy and timeliness in completing all operations.